Saturday, June 30, 2007

A Faustian deal

"Okay, here's the deal young lady. You can have all the money, power, fame, jewels, clothes, rich food, nice cars, fabulous homes, international travel, wild parties, anything you can imagine that money can buy will be yours...

...if and only if you are willing to let a dirty, greedy, disgusting, ruthless, uncaring, unfeeling, political reactionary who is never sated in his lust for more power, more money, more possessions stick parts of his jaundiced rancid old body in you for his pleasure. Do we have a deal?"

Hmmmm. Thinking. Thinking.

Oh why the heck not. Sure, lets do it.

"Okay, it's your funeral."

Wait! I change my mind! I want out of this deal!

"Too late. You made your bed, now lie in in it and suffer for all eternity!!!! Hahahahaha."


Johnny Yen said...

The guy creeps me out to no end. Do you realize that she is his second round of "trophy wife?" Deng was born in 1968, a year after he married Anna Torv, trophy wife #1 (wife #2). Deng is ten years younger than his oldest daughter, from marriage #1, and the same age as one of his children from marriage #2.

Family values, huh?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

How could any woman stand to let his evil thing enter her?

Anonymous said...

Sweetie, the Trophy Wife doesn't have to let him enter the queendom, she just has to let him think the rancid, flacid little thing would be welcome there...and stick around until he keels over in a Viagra induced stroke. Silly Monkey.