The good doctor has chosen us here at Monkey Muck as one of his five blogs that make him think and so we get to put this nifty picture on our blog now:

Seriously, thanks from the bottom of our hearts Doc. We feel doubly honored because it was you who awarded it to us.
You see boys and girls Dr. Zaius was one of the two bloggers who inspired us to start our little blog. We followed a link one day on Crooks and Liars and it led us to a post that chronicled the Jesus Convention. Quite frankly the piece blew us away, it was funny, well written, and so insightful that it made our teeth hurt. After reading that masterpiece we started clicking some of the links on his blog roll and we found a fantastic little blog called No Smoking in the Skull Cave, written by a human woman named Becca. These two blogs taught us some things, Becca's blog taught us that pop culture ephemera is worth celebrating and even basking in and Dr. Zaius's blog taught us that political opinion and commentary can be elevated to a work of art, and that Nancy Pelosi is not only third in line to be President, she is also hot, hot, hot.

And so we jumped in the blogosphere after seeing that blogging, especially blogging that is done by smart, funny, and aware apes and humans, can be done well.
So we arrive back to today and the news that Dr. Zaius has seen fit to award us one of his Thinking Blogger awards. When one is honored with one of these babies one must then do three things:
- Pass the award along to five other bloggers whose blogs make you think.
- Link to this page, the original post about the origins of the award.
- Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote.
Having done the last two, we now take extreme pleasure in bestowing this honor on five other blogs. And they are:
- The Self Help Center. Written by Romius T, who also blogs at The Needs Of The Few, this blog covers the banal and ordinary on any given day. Romius's posts on The Self Help Center are like haunting prose poems of the damned or they are a dry joke inflicted on a world that has no sense of humor.
- The Largest Minority. Written by Manila Ryce and his gang of ne'er do wells, this blog has it all, great political commentary and opinion, video posts that are at times funny and at other times enraging, and the Daily Connect. Miss it at your peril.
- Sorghum Crow's General Store. This is one of the funniest blogs out there, it's just pictures with the wittiest captions ever thought up by a human male. It proves the old adage that less is more.
- Ice Station Tango. We found this great blog about politics and other related stuff only a few days ago but we're already hooked. It has a great little biting attitude and the folks over there crank out daily posts with almost the same frequency as we do. It's cold, it's hot, it's a must read.
- Princess Sparkle Pony. No one has as much sass, smarts, or wit as the Princess. No one can turn a phrase or cut through the crap like her. As Blue Gal once said in a comment on this blog, "We all aspire to be like the Princess." We know that when we visit her she'll make us laugh and the first thing that we think after reading her posts is, "Holy shit, why can't we be that funny?"
Once again Doc, thanks for the honor and for all the great photoshop pictures you made for us. And as we can all see from the picture above, you rock.
Wow. Thanks so kindly for the great words. This is my second thinking blog so I must be doing the work of socrates or something.
I certainly think you must be crazy to write such niceties and I hope you can get fixed whatever is wrong with you mentally.
Much thanks.
Congrats on the award. That's a pretty big honor. Thanks again for the linkage. Once my wacom stops sucking I plan on honoring you and Bluegal for recognizing my awesomeness. This monkey sees your monkey do and respects it.
Thanks, awesome kick ass monkeys!
We will meet again.
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