This week's match is:
The Super Sexy Swinging Sixties Stewardesses

The League of Mullets
Special guest referee for this match is former French Presidential candidate Segolene Royal.

She's got nothing but time on her hands now. Pssst, Segolene, feeling bad about your loss in the election? Are you crying and feeling all down and stuff? Come to Monkey Muck HQ dear, we'll console you and make you feel wanted. Trust me Segolene, our "electorate" won't let you down. Au revoir, mon amor.
So I guess that means it's okay to finally admit that I think she's a bit of a hottie.
Heck yes, Dave, admit it, shout it from the roof tops, and sing about it.
Why can't we have a hot president, like Nancy Pelosi!
Because we get the leader we deserve Doc. One day, maybe, after we've been good, we deserve La Pelosi as our president.
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