Thursday, May 3, 2007

Our trip to K Mart or How to incorporate political action in most every facet of your life

This afternoon we hopped into the Monkey Moblie, a 1996 Nissan Pick Up truck, and headed over to K Mart. We usually do not shop at such huge corporate stores but we also had to get fish food at Pet Smart so we decied to dash into the K.
As we were paying for our purchases, a 12 pack of Mountain Dew (it keeps us monkeys here at Monkey Muck HQ wide awake and sugary sweet) and a jar of pasta sauce, the cashier asked us if we would like to donate a dollar to the March of Dimes Walk America fund thingy. We said, "Sure," and forked over a dollar. She slid us a shoe to sign, you know what we mean, those paper shoes for walking events, or like the paper shamrocks for Jerry's kids, or the paper lower intestines for National Colon Day. Anyway, we decided to sign it as Dennis Kucinich and began to do so when it hit us to sign it this way instead, Vote for Dennis Kucinich in 2008. We did so and passed it back to the cashier. We felt like we struck a blow for freedom.
Out in the parking lot an older couple was walking to their car and the husband saw me getting into the Monkey Mobile. He said to me, "Hey young man," as I get older I appreciate being called young man more and more and it beats what they usually say when they want my attention which is, "Hey you fat bastard!" I said to the old dude, "Yes?" He smiled and said, "I like your sign." He meant the bumpersticker on my back window that says IMPEACH BUSH CHENEY. "Thanks," I replied. He went on as his wife walked to their car, "Impeachment is too good for them. We ought to put them on a plane to Iraq." We both laughed. I said, "I'd settle for seeing them both locked in cages in Gitmo." He nodded and said as he walked away, "Well me too then. You have a good day young man."
I am having a good day, thanks in part to him.

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