Former Majority Leader Tom DeLay, who resigned under indictment on campaign finance-related charges in Texas, also has grown dissatisfied with the president's stewardship of the conservative movement. DeLay told Goldberg that in coming years, when he is not fighting the Texas indictment, he plans to build a conservative grass-roots movement to rival MoveOn.org, insisting that divine inspiration brought him to that quest.
"God has spoken to me," DeLay said. "I listen to God, and what I've heard is that I'm supposed to devote myself to rebuilding the conservative base of the Republican party, and I think we shouldn't be underestimated."
Ok, first things first. The operative passage from the above quote is "when he is not fighting the Texas indictment." Did Jeebus's Daddy tell him to break the law back when he broke it?

Secondly, does God only speak to indicted or idiot Republicans?
Thirdly, was it also Jeebus's Daddy who told him to stop the legislation that was going to help the sweat shop slaves in the Marianas Islands? Did Jeebus's Daddy tell him to gut the social welfare programs that FDR and LBJ started? Did Jeebus's Pappy whisper in his ear that he should let the Bush junta run rough shod over our civil liberties and our Constitution?
If it is true that the Pater O' Jeebus said all that shit to DeLay, then it makes me even gladder that I am an atheist. What kind of sick deity would favor the Republicans over the Democrats? What kind god is it who hates the Afghans and Iraqis so much that he got Bush elected President? What kind of fucking god is it that talks directly to one of the most corrupt politicians in this country and tells him to rebuild a wing of a terrorist political party that does nothing but sow hatred and intolerance?

But on the off chance that there really is a God, then we'd love for him to shut his fat yap.
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