Friday, May 25, 2007

Liars, Killers, and the Village Idiot

In olden times, and no, we do not mean the 1980s, they used to have in every town what was known as the village idiot. Now, of course, calling a retarded person an idiot was not a nice thing to do, but the other villagers learned quickly who the idiot was and they looked kindly on the village idiot and they helped him, or her, out when necessary. Today in our fast paced society we do not take the time out to look out for the "village idiot," with one exception. One village idiot in particular, who's last name is Bush and whose first name is George and who's middle initial is W, managed to secure for himself the most powerful job in the whole country, perhaps the whole world, with disastrous consequences for all of us.

This particular idiot wanted to make sure the people who helped him make his millions and who helped put him in office had a secure flow of oil. So in order to secure that oil he started a war with Iraq. He poured millions of this country's money down a rat hole and got many many people killed. He claimed that by going to war over in Iraq he was keeping our country safe.

And yesterday in a press conference he told a reporter who dared question his idiotic leadership that we are still in the war because those people who we attacked want to come over here and kill our children.

Now you can call us here at Monkey Muck HQ many things but you can't call us stupid. Unlike most of the corporate media, pundits, and political hacks, we get it, we understand what is going on. Those people whose country we invaded and continue to occupy don't want to come over here and kill us or our children, well maybe they do want to kill the children of a President named Bush and the children of a Vice President named Cheney. No, the vast majority of the people fighting against the people who occupy their home land simply want to be free of their invaders and the bloodsucking corporations who want to bleed them dry, corporations like Halliburton, Blackwater, ExxonMobilBPShellMicrosoftWal-Mart.

Let's take a deep breath and think about who is really going to kill who's children and who has already killed someone else's children. Ok, ready? Good, then here we goooooooooo:

This guy killed a bunch of people's kids. He's dead now. So is the bunny probably. But in reality, he did not have anything to do with 9/11, Al Qaeda, nor did he have any WMDs. The Village Idiot claims that he was shocked to find out that this guy did not have any WMDs, even though Hans Blix and Scott Ritter told him repeatedly that he did not have them.

These guys will kill someones child if that persons child has invaded their country and occupies their country for the foreseeable future. They would prefer not to kill someones children but they feel like they have no choice. The way to stop them from killing someone from America's child is to remove all the Americans and to turn Iraq and Afghanistan back over to the native peoples.

Same goes for these guys.

This guy lied through his teeth to the UN to get us into the war. He said later that he was sad about lying to the UN. He's responsible for the deaths of over 3000 Americans and for the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan deaths. Maybe he is sad his lies got all those people's children killed. We're not sure but we bet he writes a book about it later and makes all kinds of money off it.
This guy lied through his teeth and manipulated all the "intelligence" to get us into the war. So he is responsible for killing other people's kids.

These two jackals got hundreds of thousands of people killed and one makes a shitload of money off the war as well.

This guy said it was a "slam dunk" that Saddam had WMDs and because of his lies we are in the war now. He is responsible for the murders of a lot of people's children. Oh yeah, he also just wrote a book about his role in the war and guess what? He says he is not to blame. And we here at Monkey Muck say to him, "Bull shit, you fucking liar point those fingers of blame not at other people you coward, but back at your murdering self."

This waste of a mullet became the lap dog, or poodle as some have said, to the Village Idiot in Chief. He is responsible for the deaths of many British soldiers and thousands and thousands of Iraqi's and Afghans.This ghoulish couple took us to war, keep us at war, and refuse to get us out of the war. They are responsible for all the dead children, all the dead people who were someone elses children, and all the children and people who are someone elses children yet to die in the useless war without end amen. It's times like this that we wish Hell was a real place because we know damn well that all the liars, murderers, and bastards we just wrote about would be going there when they finally die. It's also times like these that make us glad we are non Jeebus believers because if it is true that his Dad wanted Bush to be President, then what kind of sick fucking god would that be anyway?

But thank goodness there is one man who will make us proud again, one man who will end the war, one many who will stop the rape of Iraqi oil fields, one man who will end the use of depleted uranium in our weapons, one man who will use diplomacy instead of a billy club, one man who will be a great President, and that man is Rep. Dennis Kucinich.

It's time to put a real leader in the White House. Let's take back our country. Let's elect the only man who has our interests at heart, vote Kucinich in 2008.


Ron said...

Simply awesome. Great job of mixing the pics and text.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Thanks ron.