Sen. Hatch of Utah says that anyone who gets any kind of government assistance should be tested for drugs.

I'm all for that idea as long as every person who works for corporations doing business with the government get drug tested as well. And farmers who get federal subsides and all their employees and family members must get tested as well. And if any of them fail the drug test then the business or farm loses all contracts or subsides they are getting.
It's only fair to make all everyone, business and individuals alike, play under the same rules.
Oh yeah, I'm also for making people like Orrin Hatch retire from the Senate. If you're there more than three terms then it ought to be mandatory that you retire.
He's got a face like he's been sucking on lemons for the last ten years!
That would mean Michelle Bachmann would get tested for drugs. That part I would support.
I want to know when the Congress critters are going to start pissing in cups themselves. They passed something years ago saying they would, but can't seem to agree on how to do it.
Utah is a weird, weird place. I understand they might be fire-squadding someone today in Utah???
Anyone who votes for Orrin Hatch should probably be drug-tested.
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