Thursday, April 24, 2008

Cooking with Dr. Monkey

Today's episode:
Actually today's episode is spicy chicken legs with potatoes a la Monkey.
I started off by mixing up all my spices for the spice mixture, which consists of the following:
  • 1 heaping tblsp of black peppercorns
  • 1/2 tsp of cumin
  • 2 tsp of chili powder (not hot)
  • 1 tsp of Spanish paprika
  • 1 dash of crushed red pepper
  • 1/2 tsp of coarse sea salt
  • 3 chopped up cloves of garlic
  • 1 tsp of Old Bay seafood seasoning

I crushed and mixed all that together in my motar and pestle and then I set it aside and I cut off all the skin on chicken legs.Next I laid the legs in an 8x8 pyrex cooking pan and I coated them with my spice mixture and I added a tablespoon of Brummel and Brown butter substitute. I set my oven on 375 and after it heated up I covered the chicken legs with some foil so as to seal in the juices and steam and I baked the legs for about an hour and fifteen minutes.

While the legs baked I peeled a few potatoes and I then cubed them. I sauteed some onion and some garlic and when the potatoes were done I mixed it all together. In a bowl I put 1/4 cup of olive oil and about three, maybe four, tablespoons of spicy brown mustard. I mixed the mustard and olive oil together and I added some fresh cut chives and some fresh cracked black pepper. Then I put the potatoe mixture in the bowl with the mustardy olive oil and I mixed it all up.That's what the legs looked like after an hour and fifteen minutes in the oven. Mmmmmm, tatsy.
I served the chicken and potatoes with a small green salad and some toasted French bread that we got at Scratch bakery. It was all quite tasty and I don't feel a bit guilty about not saving you any.


Little Merry Sunshine said...

Will you please come cook for me?

Barbara Bruederlin said...

I'd hit that!

Have you ever tried leaving the skins on the potatoes? Extra tasty.

PJ said...

Ooh, this looks wonderful. Save me a bite!

Wandering Coyote said...

YUM - but I'd use breast meat, cause I'm just that kind of gal.

Missy said...

Nice use of a pestle yet again!

I love Old Bay! I use salt free Spike a lot when I am cookin' in a hurry.

Anonymous said...

Nicely done. And I love that vinty book!

Mnmom said...

Plate up some for me!
We had blueberry pancakes for dinner. We make a lot of baked chicken but I leave the skin on - naughty!

Joe said...

Delicious. I can taste it from here. I just went out and refilled my propane tanks now that good weather is finally here, and one of the great pleasures of spring and summer is roasted or grilled chicken.

That book cover, by the way, is awesome.

mwb said...

"Next I laid the legs"

So you are a leg man?


Blueberry said...

I wonder if that novel manages to turn a "suave corporation lawyer" into a sympathetic character.

And those "ketchup guns" on the cover might come in handy using the outdoor grill sometime.