Monday, March 3, 2008

And now a word from the late Norman Mailer

"Yo, can you not see my glass is empty? Just because a guy is dead that doesn't mean he wants to stand around with an empty glass. Somebody get me a drink while I do my time in purgatory for the whole Jack Henry Abbott episode. Chop, chop, get me some bourbon and make it snappy. And would it kill you to still buy my books? My lazy kids and their no good kids still got to eat you know."


Katie Schwartz said...

every corpse deserves a full glass!

Joe said...

Yeah, I'll pour you a drink you pompous fuck.

That's what I'd say to Norman right before I cold-cocked him.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Jewgirl-Damn right.

Bubs-I would have paid good money to see you deck him.

Anonymous said...

Do you think he'll be forced to actually read his own stuff while in Purgatory?