Monday, March 26, 2012

I could really use $255 million

No, really, I could.


Deepti said...

I'll be happy with $255 right now, but $255 million would sort me for life and then some.

Dr. Monkey Hussein Monkerstein said...

Queen if I win the Mega jackpot tomorrow I'll help you out with a grant of $250,000.

Margaret Benbow said...

Heck, a million would do nicely. In fact I always wonder why whoever runs the Lottery goes for the monster Mega jackpots. How about 255 chances for a million each instead of $255 million? I'd buy a ticket! Maybe several!

gmb said...

So you wouldn't say no to $540 million+, right? Our work lotto pool has 42 people in it. We all could easily quit if we won, thereby providing 42 adequate jobs for those who want them. And the man will suffer. It's a win, win, win.