I called our plumber, and if you live near me and need a plumber I highly recommend the guy we use, and he came right out and fixed things. He could not however fix the water damaged carpeting that was in the basement.
We'd been threatening to rip that ugly ass carpet up from day one but we never could get motivated to do it. But having huge parts of it soaked with water did the trick. No amount of blotting would have saved that carpet and had we left it, it would have become a breeding ground for toxic mold. So Sunday morning we ripped it up.
We pulled it up and cut it into sections we could easily carry up the stairs and which would fit into the Sparky mobile. We pulled up the padding and we took out the strips of tack filled wood that they used to keep the edges down. This is the mound of carpet that is destined for our county dump:
Next step is to scrape the basement floor, use a high powered concrete cleaner on it, paint it, and seal it. Hopefully, the fumes from the cleaner, the paint, and the sealer won't get us and neither will the labor involved.
During the dealing with all that the tree guys came Monday, after I had to call them and remind them that they agreed to come out that day, to cut the storm damaged tree off of our and our neighbor's property. They got to our place around 2PM and got to work. By 5:30 they had broken part of the wooden fence and snapped our cable, which put us out of watching any cable TV, using the phone, and kept us offline. Thankfully the tree is gone and Charter cable sent out a huffy little dude who got my cable hooked back up and all is well on that front, for the time being.
So dealing with all that shit has put me behind in my blogging, my Facebooking, and in finishing my current graphic novel. Once we get the floor done downstairs, maybe I can get back to some semblance of normal and I can finish Hip Deep, Mountain High by the middle of June.
Gotta love it, right? RIGHT???
Like having a kid, taking care of a house. You just never know what's next!
I remember the hubby hacking a soaked carpet out of our basement years ago. There's nothing like looking down your basement steps and seeing bits and pieces bobbing around in a foot of water.
That was about 18 years ago. He still makes noises about moving into a condo. Loud noises.
Mmmmmmmmmm homemade strawberry jam!
You should treat yourself to a good long nap.
That sounds like one hell of a lot of work, well done sir!
Water damage is just insidious. Our basement flooded once when the washing machine malfunctioned and pumped gallons of ice cold water for hours. What a headache.
What color will you paint the floor? I always wanted to try that stuff that comes with black/white/grey "sprinkles", know what I mean?
JAM! I love jam season!
Congratulations on getting rid of that sad and ugly carpet.
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