Saturday, March 12, 2011

People are fucking idiots

If you maintain that the earthquake in Japan and the subsequent tsunamis were all part of some divine plan you deserve to be horsewhipped. And if you maintain that and are a self proclaimed 'pagan' then that goes double for you.

Also, if you claim that because someone is miraculously saved after these horrific events and that your awesome god is responsible for saving them, then you need to be lobotomized. How can your god be awesome for saving one person when he just killed hundreds and made thousands homeless?

Shut the fuck up idiots. It's a horrible natural disaster. Your god didn't do it. Your god didn't save anybody. If anything, your god stood by and let innocent people die and suffer needlessly. Stop using this tragedy to evangelize. Just shut the fuck up. And then go do something concrete to help, don't just pray to your god that someone else helps those in need.