Sunday, March 20, 2011

Meet the newest residents here at Monkey Central

We got 15 goldfish today. We put five in our new ran barrel out front, as you can see in the photo above, five went in our rain barrel out back, and five went in to the old hot tub over flow tank under our deck. The hope is that they'll eat all the mosquito larvae through out the warm months and their poop will give our rain barrel water an extra little kick.


Wings1295 said...

Hmm... Let us know if this works!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

What a great idea, putting them in the rainbarrel. I'll do the same, if it works. Once the snow melts, of course...

Anonymous said...

Where did you get them?

gmb said...

Great idea. Absolfuckinglutely brilliant if it works. Definitely keep us informed.

Dr. Monkey said...

We got them at Pet Smart Shameless. They have them for .13 each.

Anonymous said...

Wait, goldfish poop kick? I'm confused.