Saturday, March 26, 2011

I ran with scissors, I didn't play well with others, and...

...I judged this comic book by it's cover. I judged it to be beautiful so I bought it for a buck. I could care less about the story, I just loved the cover on it's own art nouveau merits. I'll be framing it soon.


Barbara Bruederlin said...

That is an amazing cover. Very art nouveau, as you say, right down to the font. Good purchase!

Megan said...

Ooooh I like it! Nice find!

Nan said...

Neat. It looks like something Alfons Mucha could have done.

Anonymous said...

You know my opinion on Alan Moore. And I, too, would buy this for the cover. The Promethea cover art is pretty cool, too. Todd Klein, I think. Anyhow, it's vaguely Mucha-meets-sci-fi-futuretro.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

The story in no way lived up to the cover.

Phil said...

Art nouveau,
Stickley furniture, Craftsman woodwork,I fucking love that period.