Teabagger darling Mike Lee, the junior Republican US Senator from Mormon Cuntry, says that if we tone down our overheated political rhetoric then the Tuscon shooter wins. Ummm, hang on, I thought that guy was just a lone deranged nut who had no political ideology, so what the fuck is it to him if we tone down the calls for people to be killed or maimed if they disagree with us politically? Hey Mr. Lee,
he wins if people like Palin, Beck, Limbo, Malkin, and the rest of your hate radio pals on the right don't tone down their hateful screeds. The only thing that will come of continually calling the President, who is a die hard corporate conserva-Dem by the way, a Marxist who is hell bent on destroying our country is more violence and hatred.
Seriously. And I learned a new word: Screed.
I had to look it up and I have to admit that I thought it might be a naughty word. It kind of sounds naughty.
Don't be so hard on poor Mike Lee. You try getting an education at Brigham Young. Filtering all those textbooks through seer stones is hard work. No wonder he's a dumb ass.
Kirby - you are too much!
Those folks are too stupid to even know they are stupid. And more stupid people vote for them. We've become the United States of Stupidstan.
Mnmom, I am going to steal the united states of stupidstan!
To quote Forrest Gump - "Stupid is as stupid does."
The extreme right is desperate to justify their continued efforts to incite violence.
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