Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's world AIDS Day again so here's what I have to say about that:

Fuck AIDS and fuck HIV. If we put one third or one quarter of the money we've wasted on Iraq and Afghanistan into curing HIV/AIDS, then we'd have it cured by now. But since it's mostly gays, blacks, and drug users who contract HIV/AIDS, the government doesn't give a shit. It's more important that we prosecute an illegal immoral war on brown skinned people who live in an oil rich part of the world than curing a disease that hits gays, Africans, and drug users.


Kal said...

Looks like you finally get the reality of the situation. I heard an interview today with a guy who runs a bbq joint and worked with North Korea who said he could have 'delivered' North Korea's nuclear program to the Bush 2 for Christmas because he had those kind of contacts. Bush refused because a scary North Korea is good for business. Not the 'life' business but the other one.

Mnmom said...

It's like we've traveled 40 years back in time.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Sadly, that's likely true.

PENolan said...

I heard Chris Rock talk about how we're never curing aids because, like all successful drug dealers, Big Pharma makes all the money on the Come Back. Can't cure a disease that's making a fortune for Big Pharma.

gmb said...

Chris Rock is right. I have lost my favorite uncle and two fabulous friends to AIDS. They were 43,38, and 55 years old. Thanks, Ronald Reagan. In the future, I hope what's left of this country has a national holiday called "Traitor Day," where the bones of our traitors--Reagan, all Bushes, Cheney, Kissinger, the Clintons, etc--are dug up and pissed on for 24 hours. At the end of the day, the bones are reinterred....for the next year. Hey, you know there will be a world of fun, especially since the day will offer all the free beer you can drink.

libhom said...

PENolan: You are absolutely correct. I was an AIDS activist during the Clinton era, and that was the biggest stumbling block that kept him from supporting the AIDS Cure Project.