If God says there are four, then there are four! No matter what your fancy book-learnin, countin' numbers math says!
Dr. Monkeystein, you've obviously forgotten the basic assumptions of fundamental Christianity: wimmenfolk don't count. They're concubines and breeders, nothing more. I only see four members there... pun unintended, but not withdrawn.
Wait.Is that Mike Hucklebeany holding the hymnal?????
Bob: It does look like Schmuckabee.
I do believe it is a quartet. Those two knuckle-draggers are just there to hold the hymnals.
Good one, Lockwood!
The recruitment campaign is working very well...
I believe they're leaving out the two on the left: their anti-masturbating friend in the sweater and the Bible-learned deacon guiding the group.
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If God says there are four, then there are four! No matter what your fancy book-learnin, countin' numbers math says!
Dr. Monkeystein, you've obviously forgotten the basic assumptions of fundamental Christianity: wimmenfolk don't count. They're concubines and breeders, nothing more. I only see four members there... pun unintended, but not withdrawn.
Is that Mike Hucklebeany holding the hymnal?????
Bob: It does look like Schmuckabee.
I do believe it is a quartet. Those two knuckle-draggers are just there to hold the hymnals.
Good one, Lockwood!
The recruitment campaign is working very well...
I believe they're leaving out the two on the left: their anti-masturbating friend in the sweater and the Bible-learned deacon guiding the group.
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