Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Christians can't count

The Good News Quartet has six members.


Professor Chaos said...

If God says there are four, then there are four! No matter what your fancy book-learnin, countin' numbers math says!

Lockwood said...

Dr. Monkeystein, you've obviously forgotten the basic assumptions of fundamental Christianity: wimmenfolk don't count. They're concubines and breeders, nothing more. I only see four members there... pun unintended, but not withdrawn.

splord said...


Is that Mike Hucklebeany holding the hymnal?????

libhom said...

Bob: It does look like Schmuckabee.

Kim Hambric said...

I do believe it is a quartet. Those two knuckle-draggers are just there to hold the hymnals.

Professor Chaos said...

Good one, Lockwood!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

The recruitment campaign is working very well...

Ricky Shambles said...

I believe they're leaving out the two on the left: their anti-masturbating friend in the sweater and the Bible-learned deacon guiding the group.