Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sweet Jeebus I love me some Norman Finkelstein

Here is a Jewish person who lost half his family in the Holocaust telling the truth about the blockade and the lunatic state that is modern Israel:


gmb said...

I didn't realize at first that Finkelstein was the prof denied tenure due, in part, to Dershowitz (and others?) writing to DuPaul to stymie his attempt at tenure. Dershowitz won. Well, Finkelstein left, with a settlement (I hope it was huge). Color me impressed.

Logical Libby said...

I don't understand why the Jews of all people are in favor of letting people live in ghettos in Gaza. It just doesn't make sense to me.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

It's heartbreaking to see the Israelis do to the Palestinians what the Germans tried to do to them.

gmb said...

You said a mouthful, Dr. Monkey.