Friday, May 21, 2010

Amazing and true!

I bought 7 pints of fresh locally grown strawberries:
Cleaned them and cut out the rotten parts:
And I turned them into this:
Strawberry jelly!

Suck it corporate America and Monsanto, there's no high fructose corn syrup in my jelly you bitches.


XUP said...

That'll learn 'em!

K.Line said...

Beautiful! I'm imagining this on fresh baguette on a Saturday morning...

Barbara said...

No, no...that's strawberry JAM. Jelly doesn't have the fruit bits. I know this because I am a jelly eater, not a jam eater.

Regardless, you are more ambitious than I and I am jealous!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

It's JELLY Barbara and I know because I made it.

daniboi said...

Dude, Learn before you leap. Fill levels should be .125-.250 in. from top. You gots too much air space which encourages mold, bacteria, etc. Either re-can, refrigerate or risk getting dead.

Laura said...

Looks very yummy!!
If you'd like to send me a jar.... :P


Ricky Shambles said...

I'd eat your jelly...

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Daniboi-Read before you comment. I made jam last year and used the same fill levels and it hasn't killed us yet. And I documented it on this blog. I sterilized the jar, the lids, and I made sure the lids were tight with no leaks after I put them on, I do that by putting them upside down back into the hot water I sterilized the jars in. Gosh, looks like I know what I'm doing after all. Crazy, huh.

gmb said...

So give it a few years and I'll be able to buy a jar of Dr. Monkey's Strawberry Love in New York City (for an obscene amount of money), rights? Kudos.