Thursday, April 8, 2010

This week in blame

It's time to check in and see who's blaming who for what this week!

The Roman Catholic Church is blaming the media, the gays, gay marriage, and young hot sweet super fine hairless smooth boys for all the sex scandals they're currently embroiled in.

Timmy Vanderhoufflen is blaming the scary Closet Monster for making him poop in his pants during his afternoon nap. If the monster hadn't scared him so bad he wouldn't have done it and that would have shown his step mommy that he was indeed a 'big boy' and that he deserved to go to McDonald's for supper. If he'd have remained poopy pants free then maybe she'd lay off the drinking and stop being mean to him and daddy all the god damned time. But no, that damn monster had to go and fuck things up for everybody.

Don Blankenship blamed the lazy good for nothing miners for fucking up his mine and causing that explosion in West Virginia. If those bastards hadn't insisted on well ventilated air shafts, then this whole tragedy could have been prevented.

These two hot Swedish women blame you for not stopping them from making out. If you had asked them to dance or bought them a drink then they would have totally gone back to your place and did what ever you wanted in bed.

The Israeli government is blaming the Palestinian people for not being nicer to them while they oppress them and force a 21st century version of Apartheid on them.

Dr. Steindler blames you for forgetting him.

Kate Winslet blames movie piracy for breaking up her marriage. If only you hadn't bought that pirated version of Titanic, then maybe she'd still be happily married today.

This tuna salad sandwich places the blame on the liberal media, permissive parenting, and mini skirts.

And that's this week in blame!


themom said...

And poor Michael Steele is now blaming all the lesbian bondage loving women for the downfall of the RNC. So very sad!!!

Mnmom said...

Best name I saw this week = "Pope Palpatine".

And the GOP is still blaming Bill Clinton for 9-11. The Catholics like to blame reproductive rights for their sex scandals.

Utah Savage said...

Great list. I'm sure I could add to it, but why? I look forward to next week's list.

Anonymous said...

Finger-pointing is excellent therapy, isn't it? It's even more effective if that finger has been up your ass for a while first