Thursday, April 15, 2010

Little known provisions in the new health care reform law

Contrary to the rhetoric of conservative pundits, the IRS will not be enforcing the provision that says everyone must have some form of health insurance. These two lovable screw ups from Belle Plains, Oregon will be enforcing that provision:Hilarity is sure to ensue.

Starting next Thursday all people will be required to ask all questions of their health care providers in the medium of modern dance.

Dr. Hans Dickenschwimmer will be conducting free hernia screenings in the back of his sweet ass Chevy van which will be parked out on Route 9 near the dumpster fires.

The dolls of undocumented immigrants will be given priority over white Christian children when it comes to getting vaccines.

Former Canadian Prime Minister Joe Clark and his wife are now US citizens and they'll be moving in with you sometime next month.

Cute monkeys will get 40% off their vet visits, however this discount doesn't apply to helper or howler monkeys.

Dental visits are covered only if you are willing to play "Guess that smell!" with your dentist.

Those people who are not comfortable with any or all of these provisions are encouraged to take their complaint(s) to their local death panel where they will be dealt with in a suitable manner.


PENolan said...

Thank goodness I'm proficient at interpretive dance, but I wonder if medication will be prescribed based on technique?

Wings1295 said...

Thank goodness Howler Monkeys don't get consideration. Freakin' bastahds!

SkylersDad said...

I'm all for the dolls getting vaccinated, just as long as they aren't those creepy ones that are made to look just like your kid.

Unknown said...

I love the "Guess that smell" game! Yay!

lahru said...

I never knew Garrison Keillor was once stationed in Belle Plain and were you referencing the Republicans "monkeying" with HCR?

ReaderRita said...

I smell angst.