Monday, April 12, 2010

I ain't missing you at all

There was a 25th yr reunion of sorts at my college alma mater this past weekend.
And while I will admit to loving some of the people I went to college with, I'll also admit to disliking a bunch more. The folks I liked are my friends forever, as are some of the current professors and a few who taught while I was there. But for the most part, I've never missed most of the people who I went to good ol' KC with and I've never missed most of the faculty and staff who were there while I was.

The gal who organized the reunion dinner thingy I liked. And I liked her husband very much. They were, and still are, one of those couples you just can't help but like because they are so nice. They made sure photos were taken of the people who did show up at the reunion event were taken and posted to Facebook so the rest of us who didn't go could see who did show up and what they looked like today. Besides the couple who organized it, there were maybe three people at the event who I liked and would have liked seeing once again. The rest, meh, I can do without. They were either God Squadders, stuck up jock loving chicks, jocks, or social climbing twits. One of the attendees was 'best' friends with a good friend of mine who came out of the closet at the end of his college days at King. As soon as this person heard that my friend had come out, he dropped my gay buddy like a rock and he began to spread pernicious lies about him for the rest the time we went to school. And of course this guy was a paragon of Christianity at King. So was his cheerleader girlfriend. I despised them both and I know if I had went to this reunion thing then I would have gotten into trouble with some of those folks because ever since my heart attack sometimes I don't hold back when it comes to telling people from my past what I think of them now.

Don't get me wrong, my college experience was great even though the college I attended was one of the most conservative both in religion and politics. I learned a lot, a lot about myself, a lot about life, and a lot about the stuff I studied. And I wouldn't trade my time in college for anything. But by the same token, I wouldn't give some of the folks I went to college with the time of day now. Especially the ones who are still two faced intolerant Christians.


Wings1295 said...

Sometimes there is no point in looking back.

Snad said...

Despite my best efforts, my old high school managed to find me and invite me to a 30 year high school reunion. I can't even imagine what would compel me to attend.