Friday, April 2, 2010

Dear Chinese Spammers,

You are wasting your time putting your spam comments on my blog. For one thing, I can't read your language. And for another, neither can my readers. In case you haven't noticed, this blog is written in English and I delete your comments as soon as I see them.

If I were you, I'd find blogs that aren't written in English and ones by people who can read your language.

Or perhaps you could hook up with some Nigerians who can show you idiots how to run a scam properly.

Dr. Monkey


Laura said...

I've been hit by them too!
I just make up things that I think they said like.. "Laura you are beautiful" or.."Laura, I can't live my life without you."
Well, that COULD be what they said.. maybe. :P


SkylersDad said...

contents of this blog very pleasing. see why I read and look forward to exchange visits. take a look at girls on my site!

ColeAndJosephine said...

Ha! There is one on your vintage scan emporium as I type this. He probably said he has Anna Paquin bi tapes for your viewing pleasure!

Wings1295 said...

Here, here, Doc!

ReRe said...

i've noticed lots of chinese spam too -- and not the tasty kind

my blog has moved:

Pilkey said...

Ni hao wode pengyou. Zaijan, XiaoMonkey

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Me love you long time Pilkey. Two dolla fuckee suckee.