Thursday, March 4, 2010

WTF picture of the week


Laura said...

Hmmm... I never realized how much "bling" those two wore! :P
Love her shoes!!!! :)


Don said...

That pic just might be more awesome than a black velvet Elvis poster.

DrGoat said...

It looks like they were aboard the Yellow Submarine.

Ubermilf said...

Are those halos?

Blueberry said...

That's a beauty. I'd hang it on the wall if I could.

libhom said...

Sonny Bono was so creepy and disgusting. I was so glad when Cher came to her senses and divorced his sorry ass.

Margaret Benbow said...

Why are they both wearing big yellow haloes? Only Sonny is dead!

Anonymous said...

I liked Cher a lot better when she was "Sonny and" than I do now. She used to look like a real human girl.

Mel said...
