Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Trailer for sale or rent

While driving around the other day, I took these photos of these trailers that have long since seen better days.
My family and I have a long history with trailers.
In the mid '70's we lived in a trailer for over a year while our house on Wallen's Creek in Lee County was being built.
My late sister Sandy lived in a trailer in Kingsport that was party central after she graduated high school in 1978.
And I have an aunt and uncle that live in a trailer in Michigan today.
On a gloomy cloudy day, these empty trailers looked like ghost dwellings to me. They are relics of the past when affordable housing was not just a pipe dream and was within our grasp.

1 comment:

dguzman said...

Trailer prices have gotten out of control these days too, just like everything else. I lived in my brother's trailer for a year while in college, and even though it felt like I was sleeping in a tin can on windy nights, it was still his very own place.