Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My 2010 Oscar picks

Best Picture-In a very crowded field the sleeper film An Education wins. Although The Hurt Locker will be the favorite. If A Serious Man wins, I may have to commit suicide.

Best Actor-Jeff Bridges. It's going to be one of those 'body of work' awards for Mr. Bridges. And in his speech he'll announce that he uses his brother Beau Bridges for spare body parts.

Best Actress-Sandra Bullock. Ick. It's out of my hands though.

Best Supporting Actor-Stanley Tucci. But it's obvious that the Hollywood power structure wants Matt Damon to win it since they nominated him in the supporting actor category even though he's the lead in the film he's been nominated for.

Best Supporting Actress-In what will be viewed as a triumph for plain looking women every where, Vera Farmiga will take home this years prize.

Best Director-Kathryn Bigelow. She's done great work in the past and this is her year.

Precious will get shut out and there will be a big controversy about it across all media, except on Fox Noise channel and the KKK Network.


Mnmom said...

If James Cameron wins anything, except maybe animation, I'll lay an egg. This year's nominations remind me of how little I get out anymore.

MommyLisa said...

I love love love love Stanley Tucci with all of my movie watching precious time. He is AWESOME.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

This is what I love about this time of year. I so hope that Cameron wins nothing. Most catagories have two and sometimes three people that I can live with winning. It's the most open field in years.

PNB said...

Well, to be honest, the current favorite is still Avatar.

I may have to reconsider my pick the Hurt Locker. lol

If anyone would like to see odds on the Oscars, check em out here:


Unknown said...

Rooting for The Dude.

splord said...

Monkey, Monkey, Monkey.... Fox Noise is the KKK Network.