Monday, February 1, 2010

Four out of four white guys who are pretending they're busy working agree...

"Yes, I agree, the school system in northern Virginia who are banning 'The Diary of Anne Frank' are idiots. If they find the word 'vagina' so scary, what will they think of the words 'dick,' 'cockslobber,' 'dingleberry,' and 'gerrymander'?"
"I agree that President Obama needs to move to the center to begin to govern effectively. He's been too damn far to the right to get anything done so far."
"I agree that I'm about to crap my pants so I'm gonna squat down here and fertilize these flowers if you see what I'm saying."

"I agree that sugarless gum should not be chewed by anyone and that babies should never be given single malt Scotch, those little bastards should only drink blended Scotches. I mean it. Now, leave me alone so I can go watch that guy take a crap out in that field of roses."


Wings1295 said...

Well... glad you kept busy during the snowstorm! :)

Anonymous said...

I think there should be a new government department assigned to re-write all literature to eliminate any words that anyone could ever find offensive and to ensure that the messages aren't too lefty socialist or radical and only promote good wholesome family values.

DrGoat said...

I read a book a long time ago called "The Last and First Men" & "Starmaker" by Olaf Stapledon written in the '30s, about a future where America becomes a religious-right country .... its people ignorant sheep and finally becomes an insignificant nation of warring, miserableness. Sound familiar?

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

I always try to look busy so I very much appreciate this post.

Plus: Hee!

Mnmom said...

Well I for one am glad SOMEONE's paying attention!

Laura said...

All good opinions. ;p
