Friday, January 8, 2010

Taste and compare

In 2001 over 3000 Americans die in a terrorist attack on the USA while George W. Bush is President. In 2009 no Americans die in an attempt to blow up a single jet in Detroit while Barack Obama is President.

And yet somehow George Bush's not protecting us in 2001 wasn't a failure of intelligence even though he was warned by people in the Clinton administration that Bin Laden wanted to attack us but what happened under Obama is an abject failure.

Crazy huh.

It's almost as crazy as Glenn Beck attacking the birthers for being paranoid nuts and then blaming the White House when they flood his show with calls to tell him he's an idiot for attacking them.

Sanity in the corporate media, where art thou?


beatgrl said...

Yeah, well there weren't any domestic terrorist attacts under Bush of course.

libhom said...

I'm so happy I got rid of my cable tv.