Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What Bush really inherited

James Carville's crazy wife said Bush inherited the 9/11 terrorist attacks. It's s statement stunning not only for it's simple stupidity, it's also yet another attempt at revising history. Republicans and conservative pundits have always tried to act like the biggest terrorist attack on this country didn't happen on their watch but in point of fact it did. The US Supreme Court had named Bush Jr, the idiot, President after they halted the recount in Florida and no amount of lies can alter the fact that Bush was President when those planes hit the Twin Towers. No amount lies can alter the fact that his administration, and Clinton's, and Bush the elder's, and Reagan's as well had the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden's terrorist group on their payroll. Those two organizations fought Communists so we gave them money. It's a fact. It's not a fact the right wing likes mentioned but it's a fact, it's a matter of public record.

But that's not really what I want to talk about in this post. What I want to talk about is the things Bush really inherited, not the fantasy shit Mary Matalin makes up. Here's a partial list of things Bush inherited when the Supreme Court named him President:
  • A budget surplus. (Which he then turned into a huge budget deficit because he plunged us into two never ending wars.)
  • International goodwill. (Which he then pissed away by starting two wars that seem to never end.)
  • A solid economy that was working for most all Americans and not just the ones at the top. (Then when he cut taxes in the middle of his wars he sent the economy of working and middle class people into a tailspin that they will never get out of under our current economic system.)
Dick Cheney's former top aide, Ms. Carville, would do well to remember the history of this country the way it actually was and not how she wishes it were. But when it comes to Bush Cheney Kool Aid drinkers, this pretty much sums it up:


Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

How do we deal with hearing the lies when we all lived through the truth? It's so insane. The train didn't even stop in crazy town. It just rammed on through. Everyone gets away with perpetrating what we all know are evil acts and nothing is done about it. How did we all come to this?

Karen Zipdrive said...

Mary Matalin looks exactly as she is--bitter, hard, mean spirited and plain.
Nine-eleven happened on Bush's watch because Saudi terrorists pulled it off, and the Saudis own Bush.

Video Zeta One said...

Amen, bro. Don't get me started.

Mnmom said...

And I believe they also LOVED deregulating banks, which made things worse. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Anonymous said...

Calling that statement simple stupidity is a kindness on your part. When Uncle Billy Bob says it around the family dinner table, that's stupidity. When people like Matalin, Limbaugh, and Hannity go around saying shit like that, I'd say it's a cynical, craven attempt to continue the lies that helped the Bush administration run the country into the ground. As long as they can line their pockets with cash, they'll go to their graves lying.

jbfunky said...

Plus the fact those "tea party protesters" complain about the growth of government and perceived loss of freedoms and liberties.

Where were those same teabaggers when Bush and Cheney passed No Child Left Behind, FISA, the Patriot Act while basically throwing the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in the shredder?

dguzman said...

His lasting legacy is that he lowered the bar so far down that certifiably insane and rock-fucking-stupid like Palin can consider themselves contenders for the presidency. And so can the voters.

Distributorcap said...

matalin and carville make my skin crawl. matalin, perino and the female cheney are all on a campaign to rewrite history

sad thing - they get ample time to do it