Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Election '09-Special election in NY round up

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, let me catch my breath, I'm laughing too hard, hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Way to go Sarah! With your help the Republicans kissed good bye to a safe seat they had held for years in upstate New York!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. You cost your party a seat due to self aggrandizement and your lust for selling your soon to be panned book. You fancied yourself a king maker and instead of victory, you got the shitty end of the stick. Hahahahahahahaha. Way to go. All those real Americans in upstate NY voted for the Democrat you tried to defeat. Nice going. It's another loss to hang on your charm bracelet.

Yo Sarah, add this to your list of non accomplishments when and if you make a run for President some day. And oh, how I hope you make a run some day. Because if and when you do, then most of this country will see you for the charlatan you are. I can't wait to see how you try to pass the blame for this loss in upstate NY on someone else. And I can't wait for your book to tank as you flail about in interviews on your book tour.

Maybe you might have a chance at higher office or becoming a decent person if you emulate the Democrat you worked so hard to defeat in upstate NY. He's the epitome of what public service is all about. He served in the Air Force and retired from it, he didn't quit like you did when you were governor. Then after years of serving his country he decided to serve it some more in the Congress, while you choose to whore yourself out in order to sell a book you didn't even write.


Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Yeh, it's pretty sweet. I can't wait to see her on Oprah when she gets served up like bad pork for an hour. Tomorrow on Alan Colme's radio show he is interviewing two people who once worked for FIX News and reported on her campaign and just wrote a book full of dirt on Caribou Barbie. I will be lapping it up like biscuits and gravey. If it was a terrible thing to relish the failure of people one hates then why oh why does it feel so good????

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I also have a cool gorilla avatar to send Admiral Gorilla. Email me if you can.

John said...

Hahahahhahahahahahahahaha! She wants a reality tv show too hahahhahahah!

Brian Busby said...

I can assure you that we're also laughing in the dominion to the north - adjacent NY-23. When I catch my breath I'll be pondering this question:

Palin endorsement - help or hinderance?

Keith said...


libhom said...

What cracks me up is how Palin leads Pawlenty around on a collar and leash.