Sparky made me the German Chocolate cake as per my request and I made us a white pizza for supper. So food wise, this day kicked ass.
Sparky also got me a gift card from Barnes & Noble and with it I got this:

I also got to see Monty Python's Life of Brian on IFC tonight and boy howdy did I love it. The Christian Taliban was right in hating on it, but not for the reasons they think. They hated it because they thought it was mocking Christianity, but it never comes close to mocking that particular religious sect. What it does mock however is Christians. And that's always a good thing.
Thanks again everyone for making the first day of my 47th year so special. You cats rock.
Sounds like a cool day with some cool swag. Congrats!
And that show is 20 years old, almost? Egad!
I say you are the Messiah, Lord! And I ought to know, I've followed a few!
Glad you had an awesome birthday.
Happy belated birthday Monkey! I am SO jealous that you got 'Kids in The Hall' on dvd. I'm really hoping to get season 2 and 3 for my birthday in December.:)
'Always look on the bright side of life...' *insert whistle here*
happy birthday.
my dad let us watch life of brian when we were way to young to know how blasphemous we would be when quoting any of that movie.
My grandma was not amused.
i'm squishing your head
I missed it! Happy belated birthday!
Happy belated birthday!
About Monty Python--I don't get their humor. I think you have to have a penis to get it.
And I don't have one.
I love Kids in the Hall! I watched it religiously when it came out in 1990.
KZD, re: Monty Python being a boy thing - I'm a full-on addict, and have nearly every episode on DVD. I'm also enjoying this 6 hour documentary on them that IFC is currently showing, interspersed with screenings of Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Life of Brian.
I can't decide if I like HOly Grail or Life of Brian best. Too hard to decide!
Most of my girl friends also like Monty Python, but there is one who abhors them, and also the Simpsons. I don't get that at all.
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