Today is the birthday of the guy who invented the Dewey decimal system, the man who first played Dracula on film, our current Sec. of Labor Hilda Solis, Danny Boyle director of
Slumdog Millionaire, yours truly, and this dainty little gal

fellow blogger and my one time Vice Presidential running mate Kristi Love. Not only do we share the same birthday, we were born on the same day way back in 19...whoops, I better not finish the year or Ms. Love might come to Monkey Central and body check me into next week. After all any chick who sucks lemons is capable of anything, even if she is still recovering from surgery.

I have no idea what Kristi is having later today but I'll be having a big ol' slice of German Chocolate cake:

Mmmmmmmm cake.
Happy birthdays all around!!
Happy birthday to you and your evil twin. This sure is one fine day - lemons and chocolate cake.
Happy Happy!
Happy Birthday you magnificent bastard! If I could vote I would have voted for you for President...welll after Brother Obama'a 8 years is over.
Happy birthday to all of you!
Happy Birthday Monkey Man--and congrats on choosing the most voluptuously delicious cake ever (with Pineapple Upside Down cake being the only close contender)--chocolate and pecans and coconut will keep your fur all soft and shiny!
Happy Birthday Dr. Monkey!!!! Hope you have a great day, and many more to come!
Happy Happy B'Day!! What fun. Everyone I know is having birthdays this month.
Have a great birthday! It's my best friend Hilly's birthday today too...
Happy Birthday to YOU! Happy Birthday to YOU! Happy Birthday Dr. Monkey! Happy Birthday to YOU!
Happy Birthday! I hope you have an awesome one.
Happy birthday to all the fabulous creatures who were spat out of wombs on this day x number of years ago!
Happy Birthday to the best Dr. Monkey I know!
Happy Birthday!!
I want some cake.
Oh, happy day!
mmmm... German Chocolate Cake! That's the bestest! Happy Birthday, Dr. Monkey!
Happy birthday to you, and Bela Lugosi too.
Happy Birthday, darlin'! Hope you like your cake!
yeah, cake!!!!
Happy Birthday, Doc! If you were in Atlanta, I would buy you a slice of Crazy Monkey Cake from the best bakery in the world.
Another birthday to celebrate. I think this is my third on your blog. You are a gift to the planet, Dr. You are a great writer and vociferator. You have forced me to laugh in my darkest hours. Your photo-recipes would put Julia Child to shame. You sift and sort through past shells of popular culture and then present them straightface.
That gives me a hankering for cake.
Thank you all for your kind birthday wishes and comments. You all rock. Hard.
Late as usual.
I wouldn't mind having a slice of your soul sister's cake.
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