Carter betrayed the south in order to become President so he could broker an historic peace deal and later win the Nobel Peace prize for his efforts. Also he's taught millions of Christians that you don't have to be slaves to far right Jerry Falwell/PatRobertson wing of the Republican party to be a good Christian. God damn, he's a crafty devil to be sure. I'll bet all his humanitarian work that he's done since leaving office is all just a ploy to get Jodie Foster's attention.
Oh, by the way, the guy who wrote this right wing hit book on Jimmy Carter all those years ago, was a TV journalist who worked for the Today Show, among others. Damn liberal media.
Yep, Monkey, what a sly weasel Carter is to be sure. Probably Jeffrey St. John would think that all those thousands of hours Carter put in building houses for Habitat for Humanity so poor folks could have shelter, he was really just sawing away so he could look up the skirts of girls hammering the beams together...The way St. John thinks reminds me of that fine old saying, "A fool doesn't see things as they are. He sees them as HE is."
As Muhammad Ali would say, anyone even dream about trashtalking Jimmy Carter, they better wake up and apologize.
I'd betray the South too, for a chance to do all that Jimmy Carter's done. He's truly a great man.
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