Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Monkey Movie Review

Well, the best thing I can say about this movie is that Christine Baranski and Meryl Streep looked very sexy in it.

Note to producers of other movie musicals: Don't, under any circumstances, let Pierce Brosnon sing in your musical. Same goes for most of the other people who 'sang' in Mamma Mia!.

I'm guessing all parties involved in this film needed a pay check really really really badly. Not recommended at all, even for ABBA fans.


Lsamsa said...

What a horrid movie...I can't believe I watched the whole thing...I think I was hoping for it to redeem itself at some point.
Loved the stage production...saw it in Toronto & loved it...nothing deep, just great fun!!

joe said...

Pierce Brosnan.
... hahahahaha
God help us all.

Snad said...

I say if Clint Eastwood could do it, Pierce Brosnan should be able to do it. At least there's something nice to look at while you're holding your ears.

Karen Zipdrive said...

I watched this ultimate chick flick on HBO just the other night.
As much as I like musicals (it's a gay thing), I have to say, casting Julie Walters as the third banana was just awful.
I loved watching Meryl Streep's cuddly teddy bear body, but her singing made me cringe just a little.
Pierce is the perfect word to describe Brosnan's singing voice. As in, he pierced my eardrums with all that straining.
The scenery was fabulous, and Amanda Whatshername was adorable in the lead.
I give it one thumb, kinda up but bent just a tad.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

I agree, Pierce Brosnan should never ever be permitted to sing. Ditto Julie Walters.

But I thought it was a really fun movie to guffaw aloud at. And guffawability is highly underrated in today's cinema.

Claire said...

If you saw this, as I did, in the company of several friends with whom you'd had several drinks before you entered the theater, you probably would have enjoyed it. Brosnan was dreadful, but for The Matador, I'll forgive him Mamma Mia.

Blueberry said...

I watched some of while landing on that one HBO channel that we get as a freebie for some reason. What a stinker. Meryl Streep did not redeem it for me. Hopelessly bad.

MommyLisa said...

Seriously? It is SUPPOSED to be bad - it was so bad it was FUN! Brosnan was not that bad - and he was totally as sexy as Meryl and Christine.

My girlfriends and I were GIDDY coming out after the disco dancing singing at the end credits. We watched it in the theatre and when we went on vacation with the hubbies over New Year's. AND it is one of Boo Boo's favorites... Blissful way to spend time IMHO.

p.s. Also LOVED The Matador. Awesome movie.

GETkristiLOVE said...

Even Meryl Streep couldn't save it.