Saturday, August 15, 2009

I'd buy that for a dollar

The third Saturday in August means one thing in Johnson City, that's right boys and girls, today was the annual tree streets yard sale! This was our third straight year of braving the humid blast furnace like temps that are common to our area in August in search of bargains. Here's what we saw this year:
Some homeowners took a minimalist approach to this years massive yard sale.

Others tried to sell their recyclables.

But most got into the spirit of the event and they brought their shit out on their front lawns so people like Sparky and I could peruse it.

Some also brought out modern art sculpture that highlighted man's attempts to traverse not only his immediate surroundings, but his metaphorical universe as well. Or perhaps I'm full of it, you decide.

One thing you always see at this event is harried parents of young children.

And other things you see are stuff that nobody wanted even when it was new. They only took it because they were too nice to turn the stuff down when it first got pawned off on to them.

Speaking of stuff nobody wanted, I thought this $5 TV was priced about $5 too high. It might make a nice book end or maybe one could make it into a modern art sculpture that highlights man's attempts to traverse not only his immediate surroundings, but his metaphorical universe as well. Or perhaps not. I see a landfill in that TV's future.

This box was calling my name:
But by the time I answered it people had already cleaned it out, the dirty bastards.

There was 'fine' furniture for sale at this years event as well as some haute couture:

And some kind soul reminded all the yammering, sweaty, kids in the crowd that Christmas isn't far off. I can only hope that they bray from now until December 24th to their folks about what they want for Christmas.

I'm sure you're asking, "What did you buy this year Mr. Smart Ass?" Well good question and I'm fully prepared to come clean and tell you I bought
a bunch of vintage pamphlets for a dollar, a cheesy cookbook for a buck, a stack of mysteries with really cool covers for a buck, and two baby monsters for a buck fifty. A little girl was selling the baby monsters, which she had sewn herself, and I wanted to support her art and commerce so I bought Slithers (that's the sock that's been sewn shut and had a star and a button sewn on for eyes) and she tossed in Teenie at no extra charge. She was the cutest thing in the world. When I asked if her dirty faced little brother who was hanging out next to her was included in the price she said no, but only after a few moments of deliberation.

And that's the way it was. Or the way I said it was anyway. Next year maybe you'll get off that duff of yours and come do the tree streets yard sale with us.


Barbara Bruederlin said...

I'll be there next year. Just make sure that nobody buys all the metaphysical stuff before I get there.

Wings1295 said...

Used to go to yard sales and flea markets all the time when I was younger. Sort of got out of the swing of it since I've been married. Have to change that... :)

Margaret Benbow said...

Great pictures! I can never pass a lawn sale without wistfully looking to see if there's one of those huge old vintage TV...the '50's kind that the proud owner presented as fine furniture. Ours took up about half the room and had wooden doors which folded over the screen. On the doors was carved a representation of the Last Supper.

Snad said...

We did the sale last year - we mostly hung out at Mike's and sold some of the apples from our trees that I just couldn't stand the idea of doing anything with (lord, did we have apples, last year!)

I did buy a sauerkraut crock. I should have enough cabbage from the garden to make and can a couple of batches. Until they are ready to harvest, though, the crock will sit in the lower kitchen where it highlights modern woman's attempts to traverse not only her immediate surroundings, but her metaphorical universe as well. Either that or something for the cats to play in. You decide.

themom said...

And I can't believe you didn't come home with that lovely end table. So ornate and gross - but you do have the sock animule and teeny - WTG Monkey!
Can't wait to see some lovely pics from that cookbook and the concoctions. Have a great Sunday.

Keith said...

That sounds really cool.

I love yard sales. I try to hit them as much as possible.

Hope you've had a good weekend.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

hat was a great post. i really enjoyed it.

Elizabeth said...

I don't know how you passed up that Beverly Hillbillies tape and all the rest of that fine, fine junk -oops- I mean stuff!

Actually, looks like you did well. Didn't spend too much, got some cool vintage (for flickr? What's your new name, anyway?), and supported a young artist/entrepreneur! That's a good day's work.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Elizabeth, I'm done with Flickr. They kept deleting all my photo sets so I said to hell with them.

Missy said...

Some people just cannot get in the spirit!

I think we had that TV in our kitchen when I was little.

And it is too bad you could not get the brother, but I LOVE that you bought the monsters!

Sleestak said...

How could you pass up a free box?

Keith said...

Looks like you found some treasures, Dr. M. I love yard sales but rarely find stuff of this quality. Usually it's just clothes and a broken appliance or two.