Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sorry seems to be the hardest word

Remember a few weeks ago when Jessee Ventura was on The View and Elizabeth Hasselback kept whining indignantly about how she thought Nancy Pelosi was lying about being lied to by the CIA?

Well now that it's been proven that Pelosi was right I wonder if Hasselback, seen here about to feast upon the tender baby flesh that keeps her so young looking,
is going to apologize for accusing Speaker Pelosi of lying? Somehow I doubt it because being a conservative Republican in today's world means never admitting you were wrong, even after you been proven wrong beyond any shadow of a doubt.


Margaret Benbow said...

Even back in Hasselback's "Survivor" days she always reminded me of the old-fashioned phrase "Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth"--so innocent, helpless, saintly, except that she was also remorselessly and relentlessly and with squint-eyed calculation fastening herself like a spider monkey to the back of that sweet old guy who carried her all the way to the prize. OF COURSE she's a conservative Repugnican!

themom said...

This woman gets under my skin more than anyone else (maybe Palin). She has an IQ of 12 and dares to argue valid points with no ammunition. Apologize - never. She's a twit...period.

Ubermilf said...

I was about to say what themom said -- there are so many annoying Republican mouthpieces, yet there's something about Hassleback that makes me especially crazy.

And I never even watch The View OR Survivor.

Mnmom said...

I think what makes us crazy is that the GOP loves to shield and protect her because she's just so gosh darned cute!! And we're just jealous ugly feminists for pointing out that she's wrong about 90% of the time. That's their story anyway. She's a stupid twit, agreed.

Whiskeymarie said...

I'd love to see someone call her out on this on the show.

But that would mean that I'd have to actually watch that crap, the very thought of which makes me feel all barfy.

Anonymous said...

I HATE The View and can't stand Hasselback. Its sad that there are so many ignorant, loud and stupid people on TV these days.

Her and Nancy Grace need their voiceboxes removed pronto!

Anonymous said...

Poor baby. Is it hers? I hope he doesn't get teh stupid on him.

Distributorcap said...

there are a lot of nasty disgusting republicans - but hasselback takes the cake - she thinks being hot gives her license to be an ass ---

she is just an ass

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...
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Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I hate to say that if we have to have a right leaning wing nut then at least she is not hard on the eyes. This way people listen to them longer and allow their stupidity to really soak in. And really, when pretty girls like her or Palin talk they make me feel so good that I chased the girls who were smart, funny and quirky enough to be rejected by any group that would have taken Hasselback and Palin as their gueens. How is that workin for you douchebags now?

Cirze said...

You think Palin is pretty?

Or Hasselback?


Pretty is as pretty thinks.


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I never said I thought either of them was pretty Suzan.