Friday, July 10, 2009

I've been remiss

I've been remiss in saying something about this guy:
His name is Jared and he's a member of our extended family on Sparky's side. He's her nephew by marriage to be exact. She's known him for longer than I have and I've known him for a long time. He's a nice, smart, hardworking guy and he just became a US Marine. He graduated a week or so ago from boot camp and he's officially a PFC (Private First Class) in the USMC.

For those of you who may not be know, you have to be one tough mofro to make it through boot camp and to become a Marine. We're both really proud of Jared for making it and for choosing to serve his country in this way. Our politics and his don't always match up but just because we don't always agree on political matters doesn't mean we don't love him and that we're not really proud of him, because we are. We love him a lot and we're insanely proud of him.

I hope his stint in the Marine Corps is fruitful and and good for Jared. I hope he serves his country with honor, dignity, and pride. I don't know if he reads this blog or not but I know his sister does and maybe she'll tell him about this post and about how proud of him we are, that he's in our thoughts, and that we wish him all the best.

If any of you were thinking of leaving any snide comments about him or the Marines or his choice to serve in the military in the comments section, then know that I will delete them as soon as I see them.


Keith said...

He has my total respect and admiration. I wish him the best.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

It's certainly not a job I'd want to do. I wish him well and that he stays safe.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Its easy to sit in my comfy chair and spout off my political and social views like I am doing anything other than talking out my ass. My father was a soldier in the Candadian Armed Forces for 34 years and I have nothing but love and admiration for anyone who chooses to serve their country in the way your boy is. Its a special kind of individual that takes on the often thankless task of putting their lives on the line for principles we all to often take for granted. Good on ya mate. Be safe.

Wings1295 said...

Good luck to him. Political differences aside, he is doing a job that right now needs to be done. My hat is off to him.

K.Line said...

Those who serve their country deserve nothing but admiration and respect. It's a sad world where we need to put people at risk, but how fortunate to have people who recognize it and choose to give of themselves nonetheless. Congrats to PFC Jared! And thank you.

Snad said...

Well, done, Jared. As the daughter of a WWII Marine and the wife of a Vietnam Marine, I heartily approve of his choice of Branch of Service!

Karen Zipdrive said...

He looks like a stand-up kid. Bravo.
Georgie, the kid across the street I've known since he was 4 is now a Marine as well.
When I last saw him, he was home on leave after a stint in Iraq. He called me ma'am and stood proud.
Now he's in Afghanistan fighting.
Knowing a soldier makes war much more horrifying.

joe said...

Thanks for serving, Jared!

Lockwood said...

Touchy point with me... the righties seem to think that because I disagree with some of the commands our soldiers are given, I have something less than respect and admiration for those soldiers. Nothing could be further from the truth. I've have on numerous occasions walked up to a person in uniform, and thanked them personally for their service to me and our country. I have never once been able to do it without choking and tearing up.

The decision to serve, to lay your life on the line for something you believe in, can never have been made lightly. And answering that call to duty is an act that transcends politics and ideology. I may disagree completely with some of a person's beliefs; that doesn't mean I can't admire other decisions and acts that person has chosen.

I guess that makes me a liberal right there.