Tuesday, June 30, 2009


The Minnesota Supreme Court finally declared Al Franken the winner of his US Senate race! It's now time for the weaselly Republican Governor of that fine state to sign the election certificate so Franken can take his place in the now filibuster proof Senate majority!

So join me, angry devil baby,

and Che Guevara's super hot granddaughter
in congratulating Senator Al Franken (D) Minnesota on his massive legal victory today!

Next up for you Minnesotans, if you don't freeze to death in your hellishly long winter that is, is to dump that bat shit crazy Michelle Bachman. That crazy woman taints your entire state with her idiocy, just like Sally Kern does to Oklahoma.


Little Merry Sunshine said...

It's a great day to be an American, but an even better day to be a Minnesotan (they have so few since it's so damn cold there and they have Bachman as a Rep.).

My only question is this: Is there any fine or punishment for Norm Coleman for obstructing Senator Franken for taking his seat for 7 (almost 8) months? Will Coleman have to pay Franken's attorney's fees and court costs (at the very least)? Has Coleman been accepting his Senate salary and benefits and if so, will he have to give them back? Okay, I had more than 1 question.

Anonymous said...

Finally. Good for Minnesota, good for the country.

Missy said...

I am so proud to be a Minnesotan today! I look towards a future of proud higher profile public servants, like those of our past: Paul Wellstone, Walter Mondale, and Hubert Humphrey.

Coleman does have to pay some of Franken's legal fees, I do believe but may be wrong. Not sure who pays the State back, geez. It has been a long road.

Weasel governor T-Paw indeed, be forewarned, Rest of America! He is a charming family guy from a blue collar meatpacking inner-ring suburb and he is out to woo America out of quality of life with his "No Taxes, cut budgets, no problems!" attitude.

We do have some really fine Congresspeople, including the first Muslim Congressman, Rep. Keith Ellison who represents me in Minneapolis!

Michelle Bachmann is terrifying.

Karen Zipdrive said...

Angry devil baby reminds me why I was wise to keep my loins barren.

MommyLisa said...

Too bad that a large portion of us have no control over those who elected Bat-shit Bachman.

I agree with Missy - LOOK OUT AMERICA!! Pawlenty is going to try and lure you with his promises of tax cuts and balancing the budget, but if you want your kids to read or have healthcare for your grandma you best run the other way --- and quickly!

Plus, he makes up for the taxes in other ways to spend on things we really need...like, ummm, like...like the 12.6 MILLION we spent on the recount that ultimately elected Franken. (That would have paid in-state tuition at the U of MN for over 1400 freshmen.)

Dang Coleman! Grrrrrrr.

MommyLisa said...

OH- and NO ONE got that $80K, it stayed in the general fund. Franken does NOT get back-pay.

dguzman said...

Finally. Coleman should be made to pay Franken the $80K out of his own pocket. Bastard.

Cap'n Ergo "XL+II" Jinglebollocks said...

what's w/the carrots in the bandileer? Am I missing something??