Friday, May 8, 2009

This just in...

...bunches of people who are in serious need of behavior modification therapy hate the new Star Trek movie because it's not exactly like the old Star Trek movies and TV shows. These same people have threatened to boycott the film and they are also threatening to not leave their parents basement until William Shatner is given a cameo in all future Star Trek franchise films. May the force be with them, because they haven't got much else.


Ubermilf said...

I didn't realize this was happening.

I also didn't realize yesterday was the Day of Prayer until I saw Stephen Colbert last night.

I get all my news from my entertainment venues.

dguzman said...

Isn't that the guy from Heroes on the right?

The Trekkies--get a life!

Anonymous said...

With or without Shatner, I have no interest in sitting in the dark with a bunch of nerds to watch a Star Trek movie.

Johnny Yen said...

The New York Times had an article this past week about how many boycotts are going on. They've kind of lost their punch.

And may I remember all the trekkies who want Shatner to have a cameo in all future films: he got killed off in "Star Trek: Generations," in 1994. Besides, don't they get enough of him in the Priceline commericals?

Ricky Shambles said...

Ah, nerdies in a huff about whether this fits into the Star Trek Canon - with no concern about 'splosions makin' noise in space. Assclowns, I say. Assclowns!

But what else are you going to do hangin' out in Cheetos-stained tightie-whities?

Upside: the theatre won't take on the malodorous zeal of sour feet, Proactiv, and Jergens.

Full disclosure: I am a nerd. But not that kind of nerd.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

I have only heard GLOWING reviews of this movie. GLOWING!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I'm a nerd in your same vein Ricky.

Distributorcap said...

these must be the same people who voted for bush

joe said...

Well, to tell you the truth, i was going to see the film, but since William Shatner isn't given a cameo in all future Star Trek franchise films, I've kind of lost heart, it just wouldn't be the same.