Friday, May 8, 2009

Pop Culture Friday

This week's AV Club question is:

Who do you take a life time pass on?

I've got two people and one group of people I'll take a lifetime pass on and some of them are going to generate a lot of hatred towards yours truly but I gotta be me so here goes, Joss Whedon, Eddie Izzard, and actors who are into Scientology.

I loved the cheesy goofy goodness of Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie but the TV series left me stone cold. And since I didn't like Buffy, I'm not about to waste any time on other shows Whedon been behind because there's a high probability I won't like them either.

Hey Eddie Izzard, the whole British guy in drag thing has been done to death. Dude, seriously, try writing some funny material and stop relying wearing make up and dressing up in women's clothes to get laughs. I haven't liked Mr. Izzard in anything I've ever seen him in and I doubt that's ever going to change. When one of his stand up 'comedy' shows comes on BBC America, I can't turn the channel fast enough.

Anyone who is in show business and who is into Scientology gets a lifetime pass from me. And thankfully most of them are bad actors or actors who were once good but who have become sleazy caricatures of themselves. Anyone who believes that autism is not a real disease or who questions the effectiveness of psychiatry needs to not only be shunned in the entertainment arena, they need to be taken out back and beaten. I will never see another Tom Cruise or John Travolta movie as long as I live. And as much as it pains me to to say it, same goes for Anne Archer, unless the rumors about her being in Scientology are not true.


Wings1295 said...

Hmm... I pick Sarah Jessica Parker. Cannot stand her, and I never watch anything she is in.

Kim Raver. Ugh... I stopped watching Third Watch cause she annoys the piss out of me.

Anthony LaPaglia. Same thing as above, stopped watching.

Darius Whiteplume said...

I am proud to say I have not seen Top Gun. It is my crowning achievement in life.

Too bad Kirstie Alley is one of them. It doesn't appear to have gotten her anywhere. Also, I can't look at Leah Remini any more.

Jay Allbritton said...

Monkey, my friend, we have never been in such serious disagreement. Eddie Izzard is quite possibly my favorite comedian. Not the best actor, but his stand up performance called Glorious is classic.

As for Wheadon, Firefly is excellent and so much different than Buffy. You'd probably like it a lot.

I'm with you on the Scientologists.

Just my take, I know you have great taste dude.

Joe said...

I know what you mean about Izzard's standup, but I really liked him in the short-lived FX series "The Riches"

Megan said...

My list is too long. I might crash your entire blog...

Distributorcap said...

what happens when one of the scientologists goes on Oprah - like kirstie did recently (and tom)

Blueberry said...

I watched some Buffy but have never been able to get any interest generated in it. However, Firefly is brilliant, in my opinion, and is one of my favorite TV shows. Ever.

And the main character, Mal, is an atheist. Just one more thing to love about it.

Ubermilf said...

What IS with Oprah fawning over Scientologists, anyways?


Matthew Hubbard said...

If you really hate Scientology, you have to lose The Simpsons, since Nancy Cartwright belongs.

And I'm with The Station Agent. I've seen Eddie Izzard live this century, and I can't say that about any other stand-up comedian.

Margaret Benbow said...

I adore Eddie Izzard, He's hot and cool and has an odd, complex mind that's sort of like a chestnut--hard to crack, but there's some real meat when you get there. It's also interesting and expands our narrow lives to see Eddie, a raving HETEROsexual, compulsively dress up with pink sparkles on his eyelids, painted toenails and purple suede capris. Why does he have the need to do this? I love to ponder it.
As for Kirstie Alley, she would have sunk into the ocean of oblivion long since if it weren't for powerful Scientology friends like Cruise and Travolta who use their own weight to keep her around. She works her Scientology contacts like a bandit.