Friday, April 3, 2009


Holy crap, who knew Iowa was such a hotbed of equality? Way to go Hawkeye state!


Unknown said...

This is so exciting! No sooner had I finished reading this article - sent to me by an Iowa lawyer friend of mine - then I come here & Voila! Dr. Monkey has posted it.

You're on top of things, Dr. Monkey.

This is so awesome!!! A midwest state at that.


Lulu, the Dewey Dame said...

Everybody sing!

I-o-way, I-o-way--that's where the tall corn grows!


Mnmom said...

And I'm from I-o-way!!!!
That's where common sense rules.

Cap'n Ergo "XL+II" Jinglebollocks said...

I never knew you could combine the words "hotbed" and "Iowa" together. Hell, I didn't know "hotbed" went with ANY Midwestern state!! Hooray!

It's Friday and I'm stoppin' by the likkah' store to make me some frou-frou drinks that involve bright pink liquors and lil' paper umbrellas!!

Mauigirl said...

This was such great news! I heard it this morning and meant to post it as soon as I got to work but just got around to it now. Obviously it's all over the internets but I am just glad to add my chorus of approval! Who knew Iowa would be the next one? It's great!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Okay, Iowa is now officially way cooler than California.

Anonymous said...

I know, eh? Who knew? Iowa of all places...

Coaster Punchman said...

Oh please. The legislature will take about 2 weeks to amend the constitution to overrule this.

The only silver lining with all these state courts making same-sex marriage legal is that it only further illustrates that educated and intelligent people know we are right and that it's the idiot rednecks who are so concerned about protecting "traditional" marriage.

Karen Zipdrive said...

That bland, turquoise graphic of the state of Iowa pretty much sums up the place for me.
But I do like that they legalized gay marriage.

Bryan Adam said...

To answer your question: half of Iowa knew it was a hotbed of equality.