Sunday, April 5, 2009

Saturday stuff

I put this together all by myself in about 30 minutes and I only cussed once:
Yay extra counter space!


After years of searching we finally found a cast iron enamel cook pot that can be used on the stove top or in the oven for under $50 bucks.
We always see ones that size that routinely sell for anywhere between $150 to $300. We nearly plotzed when we saw this beauty for under $50, so we snapped it up.
In the swag department, the queen of swag, Suzy the Quaker Vixen, sent me these two items plus a couple of full color copies of pages from a version of the classic kid's story Ten Little Monkeys.

Three cheers for Suzy!


Suzy said...

Hey, we have a pot that looks almost identical to that! For years we had one of the expensive ones, bought at a thrift store for 9 bucks. It's called "Brownie", and after the Katrina debacle, we took to telling it, "Brownie, you're doing a heckuva job."

Now, be sure to put that little monkey in water ...

Missy said...

That is one lovely pot! What will you cook first?

Coaster Punchman said...

I'm about to go do some planting outside our new abode. I'm pretty sure I'll cuss more than a dozen times. Congrats on your achievement and the new cookware - PG will be getting one like it for the next holiday, that is if we still have room in the kitchen after he unpacks everything else. Now, I must check out your friend Suzy's blog. As a completely incompetent Quaker, I simply cannot pass up a name like that.

K.Line said...

The pot is awesome. And so well priced. We have a La Creuset (present from parents) that cost $$$$ - that's why we had to wait till someone else forked over the cash.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Missy-Ginger garlic beef shortribs was the first thing I made in that pot.

PJ said...

I'm loving the cute kitchen trolley thingy - well done on the self-assembly.

Ed said...

Those items from Suzy were hanging out in our house for weeks! I'm glad she finally sent them to you. Three, no, make that four, cheers for Suzy!

MommyLisa said...

I NEED TO KNOW where you got that POT!~!!! It is a beauty!

Gifted Typist said...

That extra counter space? I have one of those. I used to call it my kitchen table. Now that we have a kitchen table I call it my island. It's sort of a faux island to make fun of all those bigass islands you see in the mags.