Friday, April 24, 2009

The return of 'Pop Culture Friday'

This week's question over at the Onion AV Club blog is:

Which films make you cry?

Okay, I'm not a big crier but there have been a few films that got to me.

  • I remember crying at the end of Heidi. And yes, it was the same broadcast of Heidi on NBC that made television history.
  • I cried when they shot and killed Billy Jack at the end of The Trial of Billy Jack. Don't judge me too harshly, I was very young and I loved anti establishment movies.
  • I get a bit misty and I have a lump in my throat when Hagrid goes to pick up Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

That's all I'll admit to. Now, which ones made you cry?


Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I loves me some Billy Jack..because he is...well..Billy Jack. I always cry during the Grinch that Saved Christmas cartoon when he holds the sled above his head and gains the strength of ten 2

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

It's a Wonderful Life makes me sob.

K.Line said...

I cry at TV commercials - but I cried at Charlotte's Web (all the versions). My daughter and I like to weep hysterically at the end of anything.

Ubermilf said...

I'm a "sympathetic crier." Whenever someone else cries, I cry. Is there crying in the movie? Yeah, I cry.

And whenever something bad happens to a kid.

BeckEye said...

Oh my God. I never cry at real life situations, but movies are a whole different story. I'm a blubbering idiot.

Ones that have made me cry the WORST:

The Shawshank Redemption (Two words: Brooks Hatlen.)
My Dog Skip (I made the mistake of watching this about 2 weeks after my dog died.
It's A Wonderful Life (I always try NOT to cry, but as soon as that damn bell rings for Clarence, I'm done.)

Also, I always cry at the end of Disney movies, and I think it has something to do with the music. They always have that swell of music right as the movie concludes, and I think there's something about it that is designed to pierce your heart. I just bought that book, "This is Your Brain on Music," which describes why we react in certain ways to certain pieces of music and notes, etc., so I need to start reading that and figure out what the evil Disney geniuses already know.

Mnmom said...

I love a good cathartic cry.

Mine are:
My Dog Skip - blubbered like a baby
Fields of Dreams - when he says "Hey . . Dad? Wanna have catch?"
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
It's a Wonderful Life
And I sometimes cry at Extreme Makeover Home Edition, even though I have the overwhelming urge to slap the shit out of Ty Penning.

Did I just admit that out loud?

Wings1295 said...

The end of "It's a Wonderful Life", when you can see the realization of just how rich they are on the faces of George and Mary Bailey.

A couple of times during "Our Vines Have Tender Grapes". First, when the small tub is going downstream and the men are on the bridge. And second, when Selma makes the town realize what they SHOULD be doing for the down-on-his-luck farmer.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

mask, with cher. when her son pulls the pins out of the map i started crying .
i HATE disney films like bambi and dumbo. hate em.

can't think of too many others, brian's song the 1st time i saw it.

MommyLisa said...

Okay - mine is totally strange.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles. When Steve Martin goes back to get John Candy at the station and the flashbacks to the convesations. And when he comes back with him to their house for the holidays.


dguzman said...

ET -- I couldn't believe it, but I was crying.

I also recently saw Lars and the Real Girl, and I cried during the funeral part.

Anonymous said...

I felt myself get teary eyed at the end of V for Vendetta. Just because.

lisahgolden said...

I don't want to talk about it!

(And please, whatever you do, if you hear my sniffing, do not look my way.)

lisahgolden said...

Oh and my parents took us to see Billy Jack when I was a kid, too. The shooting scene gave me nightmares. And yes, I cried.

Megan said...

The Goodbye Girl when she sees he left the guitar and then he calls from the phone booth and and...

Barbara Bruederlin said...

I hardly ever cry at movies, but I did cry a couple of times during Young@Heart and at the end of Wilby Wonderfuland Son of Rambow.

Okay so I guess I DO cry at movies.

joe said...

King Kong. That ape got a raw deal.

Snad said...

Oddly enough, I cry every time I read the ending of The Lord of the Rings, but not at the movie.

I cried at the beginning of Saving Private Ryan.

Suzy said...

Franco Zeferelli's Romeo and Juliet all 10 times that I saw it when I was 14 years old. (And there wasn't even video back then! I had to work really hard to see it that many times!) The Wizard of Oz when Dorothy says, "I don't think there's anything in that black bag for me." (because I thought Dorothy was probably missing out on getting something really cool -- like that heart-shaped pocket watch.) Truly, Madly, Deeply when Nina sobs to her therapist about missing her late husband. Terms of Endearment -- do you know how hard it is to admit that I was manipulated by that movie? Once when she sees the piano being delivered.

John said...

The most recent movie that made me cry was "Milk," even though I knew the story. It was just so sad after Harvey was shot and seeing the candlelight vigil and knowing it was a true story.

Whiskeymarie said...

The end of "Sixteen Candles" gets me every time. Even just thinking about when Samantha says "It already came true" makes me tear up. I've probably seen it 2,857 times and I still cry every freaking time.

Also the end of "Breaking the Waves". Saddest. Movie. EVER.

Johnny Yen said...

Well, now I guess I don't have to watch "The Trial of Billy Jack" now that I know the ending, do I? ; )

I'm with John-- just watched "Milk" a couple of weeks ago, and welled up at the ending, though I knew the story. My best friend is gay, and grew up in a small town in central Illinois. By the time he got to college in the early eighties, where we met, things were considerably better for a guy like him, at least in a college town, thanks to guys like Harvey Milk.

Ricky Shambles said...

Mnmom, I used to tear up at the end of DUI Ty's makeover vehicle when we used to watch it. And the end of just about every Cold Case.

I weep a little at the end of many, many movies prompting good-natured ribbing from stoic Mrs. Shambles & Irish Dancer. I think it has a lot to do with how the music affects me.

The first and oddest I remember crying at, however, was Short Circuit 2. You thought he was dead but now he's all gold plated and becoming a US citizen. My eyes water to describe it even. Awful.