Wednesday, March 25, 2009

They still don't get it

Why all the fuss over whether Wall Street loves Obama's plans for the economy? It should be obvious to all but the most dim witted conservative troglodyte that what Wall Street wants and likes is not good for you and me. When stocks go up on news about layoffs then there is something seriously wrong with the whole financial system. When it's investors who are the only ones getting ahead financially in this country then something is seriously wrong. When the people who work hard and play by the rigged rules set up by Wall Street and the corporate shills in our government in Washington DC can't buy a house or send their kids to college on what they make then there is something seriously wrong with financial system in this country.

Work should be rewarded, not parasitic investment.

We had a great opportunity during this financial melt down to blow up the rotten crooked system that's failed us for so many years now. But it looks like we're going to let it pass by us and we're going to let the same Wall Street and Federal Reserve crooks and greedy corporate weasels keep on plundering us yet again because we're afraid to tame big business. Oh well, maybe everything they're trying now will backfire and we'll get the economic revolution this country so desperately needs.


Dean Wormer said...

Agree totally.

These guys have nothing to do with the REAL economy yet we continue to cowtow to them.

So frustrating.

Nan said...

Totally agree. Every time I hear some asshat on tv blithering on about how great the economy has been for the past 30 years because Wall Street was booming while the average person's wages stagnated I want to reach through the screen and strangle him or her.

Mnmom said...

Thomas Jefferson warned us of this. Screw the working family, all hail the corporate entity!

Unknown said...

Well said, Dr. Monkey! And spot on.

Distributorcap said...

wall street wants to rebuild the bubble.....

and you know as well as i do -- the right wing will hate anything the sane people like

Woody (Tokin Librul/Rogue Scholar/ Helluvafella!) said...

I don't know that "we're" afraid of taming Beeg Bidness, so much as that nobody has the fire-power to tie 'em down.

They're vicious, cruel, immoral, cut-throat criminals, mostly. You don't defeat such like with good wishes. You gotta kick 'em in the balls, and keep on kickin' 'em in the nutz whenever they try to get up again...