Thursday, March 12, 2009

Life sure was different...

...before the giant spark plug began running things.

Then just when we thought things couldn't get any worse, that god damned giant can of Gum Turpentine moved in next door to us.

Damn you giant spark plug and giant can of turpentine! You'll have hell to pay when our robot master overlords get here from outer space!


Unknown said...

Watch out, the big Gallon of Paint is moving in, too, with its pet paintbrushes. There goes the neighborhood!

Missy said...

Mind control spark plug.

Gifted Typist said...

I love this stuff.
I should find that stuff I got from 20s British women's magazines

Give her a Hoover
And give her the Best

S.M. Elliott said...

Gawd I hate that. You just settle in, and some giant can of turpentine moves in and shoots property values all to hell. Why do we even let them in?!

Tengrain said...

But... but... think of all the projects you could tackle, you know, borrowing a cup now and then?

