Tuesday, February 10, 2009

If you thought the governor of your state was bad...

...then you obviously haven't heard of mine. Our douchebag governor here in Tennessee tossed me and 320,000 others off Tenn Care, which is our state's version of Medicaid, and has been bought and paid for by the stooges in the pharmaceutical and medical insurance industries. Now after screwing us out of our rightful governmental benefits here in Tennessee, he wants to do the same thing to you, the bastard governor of mine wants to be the Sec. of Health and Human Services. I can't imagine a worse choice, except for Tom Daschle that is.

Please people, I am begging you to email President Obama to ask him not to pick Phil Bredsen as Sec. of HHS. This greedy corporate shill has no business being anywhere near the national healthcare debate. Say no to Bredsen! Say no to corporate shills as cabinet secretaries!


Dave Schipper said...

very interesting...

Thanks for sharing.


Barbara Bruederlin said...

That bastard!

Snad said...

I'm ahead of you on this one, Monkey - sent mine days ago!

themom said...

Monkey, just got notification from move-on dot org, AGAINST Phil Bredsen to fill the HHS position. It gives a full profile of his fortune earned by HMO's etc. Just FYI.

Ubermilf said...

Sounds to me like you could use a good wiretap right about now.

barbie2be said...

dude, arnold is the governor of my fair state... how much worse than that can you get?

Anonymous said...

this is not change I can believe in. Sadly, I'm not surprised. Hope Obama learns from the past three weeks...and soon. Screw bipartisanship, give us leadership.

Missy said...

That is so sad and frustrating! I hope that there will be big change in health care in our country, I really do.

Mnmom said...

Worse than Tim Pawlenty? Thanks for the heads up, I will send my letter.

MommyLisa said...

Boo to anyone who cuts healthcare access - except maybe to Octomom, not her kids. Just her.