Tuesday, February 10, 2009

And now here's a message from Little Lord Lindsey (R-SC)

"My definition of bipartisan is that we Republicans get everything we want and the Democrats don't get shit. That was our definition of 'bipartisan' under our fearless leader George W. Bush and I fully expected it to be the same way under the Obama administration. I am shocked and appalled that they have not continued to business the same way as our former President. I am pretty peeved about all this, so much so in fact that I must retire to my fainting couch where I will hold the...hand...yeah that's it, the hand, of Raoul my pool boy. It always makes me feel better to lay on my fainting couch while I hold the hand of a hard bodied 20 something Latino man while I pray to tight butt Jesus of the rock hard glistening abs. Now ya'll run along while I go do that."


Ubermilf said...

Do they have fire ants in South Carolina? Because I bet we could bribe Raoul to spread honey all over him.

Anonymous said...

Darling, he's not a lord, he's a queen.

Mnmom said...

How absolutely sadly true

Anonymous said...

Of course you saw his little tantrum on the floor of the Senate the other day. What a tool.