The two leads in this film are fantastic, especially when you find out that this is the first film either one of them has done. The boy who plays the lad who's being stunted by his religious mother, she's played by a slim and trim Jessica Stevenson who co-starred in Spaced, is a wonder to watch. He just gets it time and time again. He really stands out as the little kid with a big imagination who is picked on by bigger kids and by people in his religious sect. He reminded me of a young me at times in the film, what with his defense mechanism of retreating into his imagination when things got tough. And the kid who plays the school bad ass who befriends him is just as good. He may be in some ways better because he has to be tough and play tender when his world crumbles around him towards the end of the film.
I highly recommend this movie and it's kick ass '80's soundtrack.
On the other hand, I recommend doing just about anything, and that includes doing unecessary exploratory surgery on yourself and or artifically inseminating pigs and other farm animals for fun and profit, instead of watching this movie:

Sweet baby jeebus it's awful. And it's not so awful it's good. It's so awful it's just fucking awful.
It's about seven annoying idiotic self centered people who meet one another at a remote cabin for a weekend of "fun." But instead bringing fun to their gathering, they bring their neuroses, their angst, and their emotional baggage. They decide, about a third of the way into the film, to play a parlor game that brings forth the murderous spirit of a long dead witch. You'd think that the movie would pick up from then on, but you'd be wrong. It just continues the suckage that it started the second that it began.
Well that's not exactly true. The film is good for the first two or three minutes when it opens with long languid shots of Dominique Swain

dressed in a tank top and shorts as she sits in her boyfriend's car that has run out of gas. The camera lingers on her and it shows us all her assets in all their glory. If only they had decided to jettison the script and just show us 100 minutes of Ms. Swain sitting on and around that hot car while she sweats and pouts then this film would have been half way decent. Oh who am I kidding, if they had shot 100 minutes of Dominique Swain sitting in a hot car while she sweats and pouts it would have been the best film ever. But they didn't.

Skip Dead Mary but see Son of Rambow.
I LOVED Son of Rambow! Absolutely a wonderful movie and yet it seemed to get very little press/hype at all. Both of the child leads were absolutely amazing and far outshone anyone else in the film (although I do love Jessica Stevenson). And the ending? Tears. Happy tears. Very touching - I'm so glad you reviewed it, and enjoyed it!
darn it, those long dead witches just are soooo crabby when you wake em up!
I'm putting that on my netflix list now (Son of Rambow, not Dead Mary...ick!). BTW, I can't seem to email you through the link, so would you mind emailing me at cdaltonpak@yahoo.com, and I'll reply? Thanks!
What is son of rambow rated? Could a 9-year-old watch it?
Did you watch the bonus features about the making of Son of Rambow? So great, those filmmakers were as fun as the kids!
Well hello Dr.,
Found you from Re, I'm loving the blog!
*Bon Don*
you need to review "Ice Spiders"!
i gave you the lemonade award on my blog!
Bon Don-Thanks for dropping by. I hope you become a regular reader.
Son of Rambow is GREAT! And it made me cry. But in a good way.
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