As if Bush's laying down on the job the last four years of his Presidency wasn't bad enough, he's given President Elect Obama one final kick in the ol' nads by refusing to let him stay in Blair House before his inauguration.

It's been the custom for many year now for the out going President to let the incoming President and his family stay there so that they can be near their new house and so that they can be under the protection of the Secret Service. But like in most every other case Bush has pissed all over tradition and custom so that he can give his old pal former Aussie Prime Minister John "Bush Poodle #2" Howard a place to stay while he visits the USA and picks up his Medal of Ass Licking, oops, I meant Medal of Freedom that Bush is giving him for supporting the illegal war of terror on Iraq.

It's fitting the Howard is bumping Obama from staying in Bliar house since after all it was Obama who indirectly bumped Howard from being Prime Minister again. Howard clung to his support of Bush like a fat kid clings to sheet cake and his two liter bottle of Mountain Dew. And the Australian people rewarded Howard for his refusal to break with Bush by dumping his ass.
So now Howard has a few days in Blair House and in a few days Obama will have at least four years in the White House. As Obama takes his place in history Howard will soon take his place in a retirement home in some hell hole in the Australian outback where Aborigine kids will pelt him with kangaroo and koala shit, all in all it seems a fair trade off to me.
Funny, I just blogged about the same thing.
I'm not sure why, but this affront to the Obamas really stuck in my craw.
Bush 43 has absolutely no class and zero sense of decorum, and neither does his hayseed wife.
They are assholes to the bitter end.
this really bothered me as well. especially when i found out yesterday just how BIG blair house is and the fact that it is set up for high security which that hotel, however plush, is NOT.
so we(the taxpayers) have been screwed by bush yet again and have to foot the cost of the extra security at the hotel.
and laura b. said she and her hubby were "gracious" about the blair house and the obamas!!!
just makes me angry!!!
Just one more little turd to add to the Bush LeGassy Compost Pit.
I agree with Karen & Sherry. This really chaps my ass.
Blair House is something like 119 rooms with 35 bathrooms. John Howard wouldn't ever run into the Obamas.
So that Howard can run around Blair House nekid 24/7 and short-sheet all the beds on my dime (and yours too!) we have to spend probably hundreds of thousands of extra taxpayer money for the Obamas to stay at the Hay Adams.
Why does John Howard even rank a stay at Blair House? He's not a foreign Head of State anymore. He should be staying at the f*ing Motel 6 on his own damn dime, not mine.
Jesus I'm so sick of these people. January 20th can't come soon enough.
The Bushes are assholes, plain and simple. I'm no longer surprised by their displays of stupidity, classlessness (!), or gall.
Fucking fuckers!
Well said, Monkey.
Initially, I felt frustrated about this, but now I feel like Obama will have the last laugh.
"Jesus I'm so sick of these people. January 20th can't come soon enough."
Well said, Little Mary Sunshine.
Personally, if I were the Obamas I'd be relieved to not have to be gracious guests of the Bushes. True, the Bushes couldn't outclass a farting Chihuahua and this proves it, but it also means the Obamas don't have to act grateful to them for one tiny thing.
Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if the Bs took all the light bulbs and toilet paper with them when they go.
I cannot wait until the 20th
I think Aborigine kids peltting him with kangaroo and koala shit, IS a fair trade off to me too!
*Bon Don*
"the Bushes couldn't outclass a farting Chihuahua"
Oh. My. God. That's the funniest thing I've read today Snad! Nice job!
LMS-Snad is a funny gal when she wants to be, and she's a damn good cook to boot.
Well, I'm delighted I could lighten your day, LMS.
Thanks for the props, Monkey. Let's get together for the tamale making party soon!
Ah yes. Once again bush shows how classy he isn't. So Howard trumps the next president of the United States, huh. Clinton caught hell for getting a blow job, but bush rewards those who give him one. My, how times have changed.
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